A report by Renewables UK reckons the global pipeline of floating offshore wind has project has more than doubled in 12 months.
A year ago, worldwide projects of wind generated 91GW among 130 projects, the agency says.
Now, there are 230 projects generating a total of 185GW of electricity, the EnergyPulse Insights report says.
“The pipeline includes projects at any stage: operational, under construction, approved, in the planning system or at an early stage of development,” Renewables UK says.
Spearheading the projects is the UK, with the largest floating wind portfolio in the world, at 33GW, the report claims.
”The UK’s pipeline has increased from 23GW a year ago to over 33GW, and from 29 projects to 51, which are being developed in the North Sea (Scottish and English waters), Celtic Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean,” says Rnewables UK.
”Within the global 185GW pipeline, 121MW is fully commissioned over nine projects in seven countries, 96MW is under construction, 288MW is consented or in the pre-construction phase, 31GW is in planning or has a lease agreement and 153GW is in early development or is in the leasing process.”