MacArtney has supplied a second TRIAXUS ROTV system to the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) owned RV Investigator oceanographic research vessel.
This TRIAXUS E version features an even higher payload capacity and enables the installation of a wide range of sensors targeted to the specific needs of oceanographic research.
Scope of supply includes the Sea-Bird SBE 911 Conductivity, Temperature and Depth Instrument (CTD) and a Transmissometer to determine the excitation of the water medium to gauge clarity at ranging ocean depths.
Supply also included a fluorometer to measure the parameters of Chlorophyll a to provide data on concentrations of algae in the water column and a PAR Sensor or Photosynthetically Active Radiation sensor to determine photon energy available for photosynthesis in the water column.
Custom sensors
Custom sensor packages supported by the NEXUS fibre optic multiplexer and Man Machine Interface (MMI) mean the TRIAXUS can be programmed topside to perform various functions and undulations whilst being towed. Fibre optic umbilical cabling allows for the feedback of data in real time.
Adding a new dimension to towed vehicles, MacArtney said that TRIAXUS is the natural step forward from the existing 2D towed vehicle technology to a true 3D towfish
A powerful industrial PC controls the vehicle based on input from the onboard vehicle control sensors according to the pre-programmed flight path.
The system is developed for high-speed oceanographic data acquisition work and is designed to undulate between 1 and 350 metres.
Towing speed between 2 and 10 knots and vertical speed of up to 1 metre per second are possible.
By Anne-Marie Causer