Qualified, experienced parties to participate in tender for towing and salvage services within the municipal boundaries. 

The Netherlands

MCJ Ref No: 1407/E/34
Project Stage: Tenders Invited
Area: ’s-Gravenhage, Netherlands
Promoter: Gemeente Den Haag, Spui 70, ’s-Gravenhage, 2511BT, Netherlands
E-mail: bram.dejong@denhaag.nl; Tel: +31 650 164 835
Value: 22,200,000 EUR
Contact: Bram de Jong

Profile: The Municipality of The Hague invites qualified and experienced parties to participate in this tender for the performance of towing and salvage services within the municipal boundaries. The procurement documents are available from:


Tender Details: Open Procedure
Dated: 29/05/2024
Tender Deadline 22/08/2024 - 12:00 Hrs

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