Contract awarded for the design and execution of works related to the project of Ro-Ro berth development


MCJ Ref No: 1342/E/78
Project Stage: Contract Award
Area: Galati, Romania
Promoter: Compania Nationala Administratia Porturilor Dunarii Maritime SA, Portului, nr. 34, Galati, 800025, Romania
E-mail:; Tel: +40 236 460 660
Value: 100,966,325 RON
Contact: Mihaela-Alina Nicolau

Profile: Contract awarded for the design and execution of works related to the project of Ro-Ro berth development in the Port of Bazinul Nou Galați.

Tender Details: Open Procedure
Date of Award: 11/01/2023
Tenders Received: 2
Supplier/Contractor: Tancrad, Galati, Romania; Lemacons, Galati, Romania; Citadina, Galati, Romania; Vega 93, Galati, Romania; Oldroad Construct, Braila, Romania
Dated: 08/02/2023

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