Tender for geotechnical surveys in Dutch North Sea due to open in March
MCJ Ref No: 1340/E/01
Project Stage: Early Information
Area: Den Haag, Netherlands
Promoter: Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO), Prinses Beatrixlaan 2, Den Haag, 2595 AL, Netherlands
E-mail: iucezteam1@rvo.nl
Contact: Liesbeth De Man
Profile: RVO aims to publish a European tender in March 2023. The objective will be to carry out offshore geotechnical investigations at the investigation area in the Nederwiek Wind Farm Zone sites II and III. The contract will be divided into 2 lots consisting of executing offshore seabed campaign including seabed CPTs up to 60m bsf, including TCPTs, executing offshore vibrocores up to 6m bsf with associated laboratory testing, and executing offshore borehole campaign including laboratory testing. The campaign consists of boreholes with target depth of 60-80 m bsf that could include sampling with associated laboratory testing (static and cyclic), MIC testing, in-situ PCPT and SCPT or PS logging testing. For further information please visit:
Dated: 24/01/2023