Replacement tugs for one harbour/seagoing tug and two smaller tugs in and out of Dutch naval base.

The Netherlands

MCJ Ref No: 1362/E/03
Project Stage: Early Information
Area: Den Haag, Netherlands
Promoter: Ministerie van Defensie, Kalvermarkt 32, Den Haag, 2511 CB, Netherlands
E-mail:; Tel: +31 300 138 06
Contact: Remy de Bruin

Profile: In Den Helder the Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN) operates one harbour/seagoing tug and two smaller tugboats in and out of its naval base. There is a need for replacement of these tugs because of the upcoming End Life of Type. The RNLN is planning to replace these ships with three Medium Sized Harbour, seagoing capable, Tugs. The Materiel and IT Command (COMMIT), on behalf of the RNLN, is preparing a tender for the replacement of the harbour/seagoing tug and smaller tugboats. For further information please visit:

Dated: 27/06/2023

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