Project-research works, including engineering-geological, hydrogeological and hydrological studies to prepare for protection and strengthening of the right bank of the Danube river.


MCJ Ref No: 1413/E/09
Project Stage: Tenders Invited
Area: Pyce, Bulgaria
Promoter: District Administration, Ruse Center, pl. Svoboda 6, Floor 4, 7000 Ruse, Bulgaria
E-mail:; Tel: +359 828 112 223
Value: 491,000 BGN

Profile: Project-research works, including engineering-geological, hydrogeological and hydrological studies and development of an investment project for a site: “Protection and strengthening of the right bank of the Danube river from km 481.8 to km 484 in the area of the town of Marten, Ruse municipality, district Ruse”. The procurement documents are available from:

Tender Details: Open Procedure
Dated: 07/08/2024
Tender Deadline 05/08/2024 - 23:59 Hrs


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