General repair of the hydro-propulsion systems ( Kongsberg & Rolls Royce) of the Thesea and Onisilos vessels.
MCJ Ref No: 1411/E/07
Project Stage: Tenders Invited
Area: Nicosia, Cyprus
Promoter: Cyprus Police, Antistratigou Evaggelou Floraki, Aglantzia, 1478, Cyprus
E-mail:; Tel: +357 228 080 21
Value: 310,000 EUR
Profile: The purchase of spare parts for the general repair of the hydro-propulsion systems ( Kongsberg & Rolls Royce) of the Thesea and Onisilos vessels. The procurement documents are available from:
Tender Details: Open Procedure
Dated: 26/06/2024
Tender Deadline 10/07/2024 - 10:00 Hrs