RAL delivers first battery shallow pushboat

RAL has added a new battery-electric pushboat to its RApide range (Belov Engenharia - RAL)

Canadian naval architect Robert Allan (RAL) has a new addition to its RApide series, the world’s first battery-electric shallow draught pushboat.

As the world of towing makes the slow but steady transition to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly industry, owners now have an expanding range of options to choose from including alternative fuels, battery power, hybrids, mechanical power-train innovations and the after-treatment of exhaust gases.

The RApide 2000-E design has a DC grid diesel-electric propulsion system comprising two diesel generators, two L-drives and a large battery bank. The arrangement provides for operation in zero-emissions mode, the 600kWh batteries having sufficient endurance to perform the primary role with possible future expansion to 2,000kWh, enabling secondary roles to be performed with zero emissions.

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