A Full Guide To Navigation Buoys And Markers In The UK

Quick Answer: UK navigation buoys and markers guide vessels using colour codes, shapes, and light characteristics, adhering to the IALA Maritime Buoyage System, Region A.

Key Takeaways:

UK navigation buoys and fixed beacons follow the IALA Maritime Buoyage System Region A, with red buoys indicating the port side and green buoys the starboard side when entering from the sea, ensuring international vessels can navigate safely.

Cardinal marks, using compass point references, and other non-lateral marks such as isolated danger and safe water marks, provide critical information on the location of hazards and safe passages in UK waters.

Navmoor offers customised installation, maintenance, and advanced monitoring systems for navigation aids, enhancing maritime safety and efficiency for various marine sectors in the UK.

Navigating the waters around the UK requires a solid understanding of the IALA Buoyage Scheme. This scheme is a lifeline for mariners, ensuring safety at sea and preventing maritime accidents. In the UK the General Lighthouse Authorities (Trinity House, Northern Lighthouse Board, Commissioners of Irish Lights) oversee this system, which includes a range of Aids to Navigation (AtoN). These AtoNs are essential for guiding vessels through UK waters, helping them avoid hazards and follow the approved routes.


The Role of Buoys and Markers in Ensuring Safe Passage
Buoys and markers are the signposts of the sea. They provide crucial information to mariners and vessel operators, allowing them to pinpoint their location and navigate safely, even in poor weather conditions in the daytime or at night. It’s the responsibility of those at the helm to understand and correctly interpret these navigation aids in concert with reading marine charts to ensure a safe passage for their vessels and crew.

Decoding the Colour Codes and Shapes of UK Buoys
Each buoy and fixed beacon in the UK carries specific colour codes, shapes, and top marks that convey important information. For instance, a red buoy typically marks the port (left) side of a channel when entering from the sea, while green marks the starboard (right) side. The light characteristics of lit buoys, such as their colour, flashing rhythm, and range, also play a vital role in navigation at night.

The IALA Maritime Buoyage System: Region A Specifics
The UK adheres to the IALA Maritime Buoyage System, falling under Region A. This system categorizes buoys into two main types: lateral marks and cardinal marks. Lateral marks indicate the edges of channels, while cardinal marks give the direction of safe water relative to a hazard. This standardisation is crucial for international vessels operating in UK waters, providing a consistent language of navigation.

Key Differences Between Buoys and Beacons
Understanding the differences between buoys and beacons is key to navigating the UK’s waters. Buoys are floating markers that can be anchored to the seabed, while beacons are fixed structures either on the shore or offshore structures. Each serves a unique purpose within the navigation system, and mariners must know how to use both to navigate effectively. 


When you’re out at sea, the importance of knowing your way cannot be overstated. That’s where lateral marks come into play. These markers are the bread and butter of navigation in UK waters, especially when you’re near the shore, entering a harbour, or navigating through estuaries and river passages. They are like the kerbs on a road, guiding you through safe water channels and keeping you clear of potential dangers.

Port Hand Marks: Identifying Red Buoys and Their Purpose
As you approach a channel from the sea, you’ll want to look out for port hand marks. These are your red buoys, and they have a very specific job. They tell you to keep them on your port (left) side when you’re heading upstream. It’s a simple rule: red on the left when going towards the source of the river or into the port. However, keep in mind that there might be regional variations within the UK, so always the chart to confirm the direction of buoyage.

Starboard Hand Marks: Navigating with Green Buoys
On the flip side, we have the starboard hand marks. These are your green buoys, and they serve as a counterpart to the red port hand marks. When you’re moving upstream or into port, these should be kept on your starboard (right) side. It’s a straightforward system: green on the right, red on the left, and you’re ready. Remember, this system helps to prevent confusion and ensures that all vessels can navigate safely through busy or narrow channels.

The Significance of Preferred Channel Marks
Sometimes, a channel will split, and you’ll need to decide which way to go. This is where preferred channel marks come into play. They indicate the main route in a junction, using a mix of red and green colour schemes and patterns. For example, a buoy with a red band on top of a green one suggests that the preferred channel is to the left. These are rarely used in the UK but navigators need to be aware.

Navigating Narrow Channels and Junctions
Navigating through narrow channels and junctions can be tricky, but lateral marks are there to help. It’s crucial to:

Understand local regulations that may dictate priority or specific rules in these areas.

Be aware of cross-channel traffic; other vessels may be crossing your path and you’ll need to navigate with care.

Maintain situational awareness at all times to respond to changing conditions or hazards.

By using lateral marks as your guide and keeping these tips in mind, you’ll be able to navigate UK waters with confidence. Whether you’re a seasoned mariner or new to the waters, understanding how to read these signs is key to a safe and successful journey. And for those looking for professional support, companies like Navmoor are at the forefront, providing the expertise and services needed to navigate these waters with ease.


When you’re out at sea, it’s not just about staying within the lines. You also need to know what’s around you. That’s where cardinal and other non-lateral marks come into play. These markers give you the lowdown on where the hazards are, using the points of the compass to guide you. They’re the extra details that, together with lateral marks, create a full navigation system that keeps you safe on the water.

Utilising Cardinal Marks for Safe Navigation
Imagine you’re at the helm, and you spot a buoy with black and yellow bands and a couple of cones on top. You’ve just met a cardinal mark, and it’s here to tell you where the safe water is in relation to a hazard. There are four types, each one named after a compass point:

North cardinal mark: Safe water is to the north. Remember it by the two cones pointing up.

East cardinal mark: Safe water is to the east. The cones point away from each other like the sun rising.

South cardinal mark: Safe water is to the south. The cones point down, towards your feet.

West cardinal mark: Safe water is to the west. The cones point towards each other, like the sun setting.

These marks are your friends, telling you which side to pass on to avoid trouble.

Safe Water Marks: Indicators of Deep and Safe Waters
Now, let’s talk about safe water marks. These are the ones with red and white vertical stripes, and they’re a sight for sore eyes when you’re searching for a clear path. They’re like a thumbs-up from the sea, telling you there’s navigable water all around. You’ll see them marking the good stuff: fairways, mid-channels, and they’re a beacon of hope when you’re making landfall.

Special Marks: Understanding Their Unique Purposes
But wait, there’s more. You might come across marks that don’t fit the usual mould. These are special marks, and they’re not here to guide you through the channels. Instead, they’re like the signposts pointing out places of interest on land, but for the sea. They could be telling you about:

Underwater pipelines that you don’t want to snag

Areas set aside for jet skis and swimmers

Spots where the military is doing its thing

To correctly identify the purpose of the special mark, reference should be always made to the local marine chart. 

Isolated Danger Marks: Identifying Immediate Hazards
Last but not least, let’s not forget the isolated danger marks. These are the ones that make you sit up and take notice. They’re moored on or near something nasty, like a wreck or a submerged rock, and they’re surrounded by safe water. They’re decked out in black with red bands, and they often have two black balls on top. When you see one, steer clear, because it’s marking something you want to avoid.

In the vast blue sea, these markers are your guide to a safe journey. They’re the signposts, the warnings, and the friendly tips that help you navigate the waters around the UK. With a keen eye and a bit of knowledge, you’ll be able to read the water like a book and sail smoothly from A to B.


When out at sea, emergency and informational marks are vital tools that provide mariners with up-to-the-minute warnings and guidance. These marks are essential for alerting sailors to new hazards and for conveying important regulatory instructions that ensure the safety and efficiency of maritime travel.

Emergency Wreck Marking Buoys: Immediate Response to Marine Hazards
In the event of a new wreck or obstruction, emergency wreck marking buoys are deployed as a rapid response measure. These buoys serve as a clear signal to mariners that there’s something new and potentially dangerous in the water that wasn’t there before. It’s important to understand that these marks are temporary and will be replaced by permanent marks once the hazard has been fully assessed and charted. Upon sighting an emergency wreck marking buoy, mariners should:

Proceed with caution

Keep a safe distance

Report the sighting to the relevant authorities if it has not been charted

New Dangers and Temporary Changes: Navigational Warnings
The maritime environment is constantly changing, and with these changes come new dangers or temporary alterations, such as construction works, temporary closures, missing/extinguished AtoNs, or new hazards. Notices to Mariners (NTM) are issued to inform Mariners of these changes. These warnings can be broadcast via radio, posted in notices to mariners, or marked by buoys or beacons. Staying updated with the latest notices to mariners is crucial for safe navigation, as it helps sailors to:

Be aware of temporarily unavailable AtoNs

Avoid new hazards

Navigate around construction zones

Comply with temporary restrictions

Information and Regulatory Marks: Rules and Recommendations
Information and regulatory marks play a key role in communicating the rules of the waterway. These marks can indicate a variety of regulations, such as:

Speed restrictions: To control vessel speed in certain areas

No-wake zones: To reduce the impact of boat traffic on shorelines and other vessels

Anchorage areas: Designated spots where vessels may anchor safely

Understanding and complying with these marks is not just about following the rules—it’s about ensuring the safety of everyone on the water.

By paying close attention to emergency and informational marks, mariners can navigate UK waters with confidence, knowing they have the most current information to make safe and informed decisions. These marks are an integral part of the UK’s robust maritime navigation system, guiding vessels through the complexities of the marine environment.


With key personnel experience spanning over eight decades, Navmoor stands at the forefront of providing top-tier aids to navigation solutions. Their commitment to maritime safety is evident in their meticulous work in the installation, maintenance, and refurbishment of buoys, markers and port entry lighting systems. Navmoor’s expertise not only contributes to safer waterways but also enhances the efficiency of marine navigation across the UK.

Customised Installation and Maintenance of Navigation Aids
Navmoor’s approach to the installation and maintenance of navigation aids is anything but one-size-fits-all. They understand that each port has its unique challenges and navigational requirements. That’s why they offer customised solutions for a range of AtoNs, including buoys and beacons. Regular maintenance is the backbone of reliable navigation aids, and Navmoor ensures these critical components are always in top condition, maintaining their reliability and effectiveness for mariners.

Navmoor Monitoring Portal for Enhanced Maritime Safety
In today’s digitised maritime environment, advanced monitoring systems are vital. Navmoors Online Monitoring and Control Portal leverages technologies like LoRa Radio, GSM and Satellite Communications to provide secure real-time data on navigation aids with control capability for any product brand or type. These systems are valued by both mariners and port authorities, offering benefits such as:

Ensuring IALA Availability of AtoNs, according to international standards.

Immediate notification in the event of AtoN failure increases response times - no longer needing to rely on visual inspection or pilots to report failures sometime after they occur.

Assisting with maintenance planning by monitoring the performance of power sources, batteries and solar panels.

Ability to conveniently control traffic light systems or on-demand lights within the same monitoring app.

Integration of other marine safety devices within the same app. such as tide gauges, weather stations, AIS, fog signals etc.

Interface data with other platforms such as VTS systems or public websites via an API.
The integration of the Navmoor Portal into a service portfolio including on-site inspection, buoy maintenance and emergency call-outs underscores their commitment to maritime safety.

Data Buoys: The Cutting-Edge in Marine Navigation Technology
Data buoys represent cutting-edge marine navigation technology. Navmoor’s innovative buoys are designed for performance and versatility, capable of monitoring environmental conditions using high-quality sensors. These buoys are invaluable assets to various sectors, including:

Major ports: Providing real-time weather, wave and current data for Harbour Masters and Pilots.

Offshore renewables/Marine Construction: Providing sea condition data before and during vessel operations. 

Aquaculture industries: Monitoring environmental factors such as water quality.

Navmoor’s Monitoring Portal can be configured to provide text or email alarms against any measured parameter, especially where speedy warning is critical for example if wave height exceeds a preset level requiring marine operations to be suspended.

Navmoor’s comprehensive services and innovative solutions are integral to the UK’s robust maritime navigation system. Their expertise in navigation aids plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the waters for all who traverse them, from local fishermen to international cargo vessels. With Navmoor, mariners can navigate with confidence, knowing they are supported by a company that is a beacon of reliability and innovation in the marine industry.


Question 1: How can I report a damaged or missing navigation buoy in UK waters?
Answer: Contact the local coastguard or the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) immediately to report the issue.

Question 2: Are there any mobile apps available for identifying navigation buoys and markers in the UK?
Answer: Yes, there are mobile apps that provide information on navigation aids, including buoys and markers.

Question 3: How often are the positions of navigation buoys and markers checked or updated in the UK?
Answer: The positions are regularly inspected by the relevant GLA and maintained by the relevant authorities to ensure accuracy. 

Question 4: Can private buoys be placed in UK waters, and what regulations must be followed?
Answer:  Private buoys can be placed with permission from the local harbour authority and must comply with IALA guidelines.