Tugs & Salvage
Barge order and new tug news from Boa Offshore
Norway-based Boa Offshore has continued with its fleet expansion plans following delivery of an ice-classed tug and confirmation of the order for a ‘Next Generation’ semi-submersible barge.
Svitzer makes the switch to biofuels
Svitzer tugs operating at the Danish Port of Esbjerg are now running on biofuel, bringing together a coalition of port owner, tug operator and clients all sharing the same ambition of becoming carbon neutral over time.
Two Macduff designs delivered to Canada
Macduff Ship Design has announced delivery of two vessels to its design to SAAM Towage Canada.
New vessel joins Aquatic Towage & Marine fleet
Relative European towage newcomer Aquatic Marine & Towage has taken the next step in its development with the acquisition of Gouwestroom, which will be renamed Aquatic Warrior.
Carmet acquires new tug from Australia
A Damen Shoalbuster 2609 will be added to UK-based Carmet Tug Company’s fleet after a voyage from the other side of the world.
Sanmar Shipyards reports busy start to 2025
Turkey’s Sanmar Shipyards has reported a busy start to 2025 as it delivers one of its best-selling vessels to a progressive Norwegian tug owner and secures its first order of the new year.
New lease of life for 50-year-old work barge
Netherlands-based Hebo Maritiemservice has acquired the shallow-water pipelay barge Tog Mor from Swiss offshore contractor Allseas Group SA, demonstrating that age is no barrier when recognising the value of a proven asset.
Kewatec Shipyards wins 6th Icelandic rescue vessel order
Finnish shipbuilder Kewatec Shipyards has extended its order book with the Icelandic Search and Rescue Association ICE-SAR following agreement for the sixth SAR vessel for the organisation.
Salvors on call for storms and typhoons
Salvors have had to battle storms around the globe to save vessels and put out fires.
Fully electric tug heading for Scandinavia
Turkish tug builder Sanmar has signed a contract with towage and marine services provider Svitzer to build a fully electric tug to be deployed between Denmark and Sweden.
Globetrotting Damen tug moves to Jersey
Ports of Jersey has added a tug with an intriguing history to its fleet, having operated on the other side of the world thousands of miles from its new home.
Sanmar tugs enhance Turkey’s coastal safety
Two more ‘Kurtarma’ series tugs have been delivered to Turkey, reinforcing the country’s aims to ensure adequate emergency towage provision in a country which, because of its location, oversees the safety of one of the region’s most important and strategic waterways.
Svitzer’s EcoTow solution debuts in Australia
Svitzer and Höegh Autoliners have partnered to provide low-carbon towage services for Höegh Aurora in Australia using Svitzer’s biofuel-powered EcoTow system.
Heerema plans float-over barge for North Sea wind farms
Dutch engineering giant Heerema Marine Contractors has signed a contract with European transmission system operator TenneT for a float-over barge.
Double delivery ends buoyant year for Sanmar
Sanmar Shipyards has marked the end of a productive 2024 with deliveries of a powerful compact tug to its owner in Croatia and an ice-class tug to Finland.
Sanmar’s all-electric tug – a progress report
Turkey’s Sanmar Shipyards has provided a progress report on the performance of one of its battery-powered, all-electric ship-handling tugs.
Damen delivers Shoalbuster to Kazakhstan owner
Damen Shipyards Group has delivered one of the larger versions of its Shoalbuster range of tug/workboats to Caspian Offshore Construction.
Salvaging container ships in European waters
Salvage companies debated the handling of container ship accidents off Europe’s congested coastline at an annual conference in London last week.
BTA revises standard towage conditions document
The British Tugowners Association (BTA) has revised its UK Standard Conditions for Towage and Other Services (UKSCT) to align it with the contemporary world of, among other things, automation, electronic systems and digitalisation.
First electric tug launched in South America
The first electric tug in South America has been launched by SAAM Towage for operations with the Chilean Oil Company ENAP.