Seawork – Page 10

  • Victron units

    High expectations from low voltage


    The move towards electric drives and more marine systems now operating at 48VDC has led to an increased requirement for power electronics in that extra voltage range, a marine power systems manufacturer and distributor has said.

  • NMEA 2000 certification for the Vetus CANverter is a landmark development for the company

    First thruster integrator for NMEA 2000


    Complete systems supplier and thruster specialist Vetus has announced NMEA 2000® certification for its new CANverter gateway device, offering industry-first connectivity and communication capabilities for operators and owners using its proportional bow and stern thrusters.

  • Berthon Yard Manager, Keith Longman

    Berthon accreditation


    Commercial marine and leisure marine services, engineering and Versadock provider Berthon has successfully achieved the transition to the first internationally recognised standard for Occupational Health and Safety ISO45001:2018, replacing its existing British standard OHSAS18001:2007.

  • Users can add different monitoring instruments including start/stop buttons, gauges, alarm lists, and even a video feed

    New monitoring and management software


    ComAp has just announced its new monitoring and management software, InteliSCADA, replacing InteliMonitor for monitoring and management of ComAp controllers and accessories.

  • Fischer Panda display trailer

    New DC Variable Speed Generators


    Fischer Panda UK’s display trailer at Seawork 2021 will feature its new range of large variable speed DC VS generators.

  • The Marine Fire Safety offering will now include liferafts

    Safety expansion


    Marine Fire Safety is pleased to announce that it is teaming up with Lalizas UK to expand its safety products and service support to all their customers.

  • The Lalizas hydrostatic release unit has been 3 years in the making

    New liferaft hydrostatic release unit


    Following a three-year detailed research and development programme, Lalizas has launched a new HRU, which is suitable for all liferaft variants on the market from 4-150 persons.

  • Williams Shipping is a recognised supplier to the Port of Milford Haven

    Williams Shipping commits to Wales


    Seawork regular Williams Shipping has launched a new website to spearhead its services to the renewable energy sector, part of the company’s commitment to long-term investment in Pembroke Port.

  • Training is currently based out of fully-equipped facilities in London and Plymouth

    Apprenticeship partnership


    A new partnership for the provision of UK maritime apprenticeships has been unveiled by the The Marine Society and Seawork exhibitor SeaRegs Training Ltd.

  • DLM  Telemetry Shackle Load Cell TS 3.0

    A home city show for DLM


    Southampton, UK- headquartered DLM are specialists in the design, manufacture, repair and calibration of load cells and load monitoring equipment.

  • Graham Brown, MD Sea Sure

    Sea Sure installs new machining centre as part of £250k investment


    Seawork regulars Sea Sure have recently invested £250k in a new HURCO 5-axis machining centre.

  • Besenzoni’s cranes are made of powder-coated aluminium, which is both durable and reliable

    Besenzoni broadens commercial range


    Italian company Besenzoni has decided to introduce to the wider public its range of products designed for the commercial and military sectors.

  • HST Marine will be the launch customer for Damen's Multi Cat 2309 (Damen)

    HST Marine expands into the workboat market


    An interesting development will see HST Marine expand its crew transfer vessel (CTV) activities into the workboat market with a newbuild Damen Multi Cat.

  • This is a maritime and custom surveillance vessel, built to perform patrol tasks in coastal, territorial and international waters

    Largest GRP and composite patrol ship


    Spanish shipyard Rodman Polyships says it is pushing the boundaries of composite shipbuilding with the launch of a new 43m Offshore Patrol Vessel.

  • 'British Venture'

    High-speed platform aids tech development


    Autonomous systems development could be given a boost with a new high-speed technology demonstrator vessel currently nearing the end of a refit project.

  • The Innovations Showcase display at Seawork 2019

    ECMAs open now for 2021


    Nominations are now open for the 2021 European Commercial Marine Awards, which will be presented at Seawork in June.

  • An emergency repair was required at the Dipping Bridge in Merthyr Mawr

    Underwater concreting masterclass


    A recent emergency bridge scour repair has shown the range of concreting competencies at the disposal of Welsh marine civil engineers and M&CCE exhibitors Kaymac.

  • Lars Persson from Volvo Penta presented the company's SCR aftertreatment approach to IMO Tier III

    Technical working group to accelerate vessel decarbonization


    The second meeting of trade body The Workboat Association’s new technical working group, which would have formed a key part of the Seawork schedule has taken place virtually instead.

  • "We believe rescheduling to 2021 is now the best option for exhibitors and visitors”

    New dates confirmed for Seawork


    Mercator Media Ltd has confirmed that, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 23rd edition of Seawork and sister event the M&CCE Expo will now be held 15-17 June 2021. This also affects and applies to Speed@Seawork, now to be held 14 June 2021.

  • The Seawork exhibition has run for the last 22 years

    Seawork exhibition rescheduled due to coronavirus concerns


    Seawork International commercial marine exhibition and conference, along with the Speed@Seawork sea trials event and Marine & Coastal Civil Engineering Expo (M&CCE) are all to be rescheduled until a later date, to be announced in due course.