Latest stories with video
WATCH: Dutch Coast Guard rescues rudderless cargo ship
A rudderless cargo ship drifting without power in a stormy North Sea has been towed to safety by the Dutch Coast Guard.
Watch: Vard’s cutting edge CSOV for Norwind Offshore
The Norwind Helm is the fourth build for the offshore renewables operator Norwind Offshore
VIDEO: The ‘flipping’ research platform saved from scrappage
A research platform that can switch to a vertical position with its stern submerged has been saved from the scrapyard by a UK-based subsea design firm.
Watch: Smugglers’ ship sunk to make artificial reef
A county council in Ireland has sunk an old smuggling ship off the north coast of Ireland to form an artificial reef.
Seaonics unveils offshore charger for electric SOVs
A new offshore charging system by Seaonics promises to cut down on the need for vessels to return to port.